Wednesday 30 October 2013

Neurum Creek Bush Retreat

After a lazy slow start and some bacon and eggs for breakfast, it was off to Neurum Creek, the place we were meant to make it to the day before.

It was a really nice big park and then best part of all, we arrived mid week so it was pretty much deserted!  A rare find so close to Brisbane.  Another big plus for this park was that the sites were pretty big and you were also able to have fires!

I also had a try at creating some panoramics.  Not sure how they are going to fit in the blog...  You can click on the image to get the larger version.

You can see us in the distance 

And another from a different angle

And the swimming hole

By lunch time Friday the place started to fill up.  It was amazing how many people turned up.  We went from having the place to ourselves, to pretty much being jam packed!  And they kept rolling in way after dark!!

After three days here putting the feet up and floating around in the waterhole, on Saturday morning it was time to pack up and head to Brisbane for Dwayne and Merinda's wedding.  A bit of deja vu at the wedding, Dwayne and Merinda's wedding photographer was the same photographer that some other Brisbane based friends Andrew and Cindy used a few years ago!

Anyway that wraps up this brief trip but tuned for the start of the next one :-)

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