Saturday 4 August 2012

Oz Trip - Day 95

Day 95 – 4/8/2012 – Mornington Wilderness Park

Again it was a bit of a late start as on our way out of the camp ground we had a bit of a chat with some people that we had met in Home Valley Station and taking a few photos of the big boab trees. So we didn't get on the road again until about 9am.

We hoped our next stop was going to be Mornington Wilderness Park. They don't take bookings and have a limit of only about 50 people allowed to camp there at any one time. In order to see if you can get in you have to use a radio at the start of the access road to call in to see if they have any space.

Radioing into Mornington to see if they have any space
Luckily they had space so we set off on the access road. The access road was basically south of the Gibb River Road where as all of our other stops had been north of the Gibb River Road. It was a totally different land scape to the north parts that we had visited.

We were setup by 1pm so after lunch we decided to start to visit one of the two gorges on the property. This way it wouldn't be such a rush the following day to try and fit both in. We visited Sir John Gorge. It was nice but after coming from Manning Gorge, it didn't look real inviting for a swim.

Sir John Gorge

On the way back to camp we stopped in at the bar for a few drinks.

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