Tuesday 18 February 2014

Tasmania Trip - Day 25

Day 25 - 18/2/2014 – Port Arthur to Coles Bay (Freycinet NP)

We woke to another fantastic morning. The wind had died down and the grey sky was gone. We decided on doing a quick walk down to the beach before leaving.

Instead of going all the way back into Sorell to head north, we decided to take the Wielangta Forest Drive. A lot less traffic and a lot more scenic driving through the forest. It popped up us back out onto the black top at Orford.

The drive north along the coast as just spectacular. On the way into the lunch stop at Swansea, Jodie was going crazy taking photos out of the window. The colour of the water was just amazing.

After lunch we also took a few distance photos of “The Hazards” across Great Oyster Bay. “The Hazards” were located at Coles Bay where we were headed too.

After arriving at the van park and unhitching and setting up, we went for a drive around the township to get our bearings and also visited the National Parks office to pick up a map of the walks to Wineglass Bay for the following day. We also stopped off at the jetty to get some more close up photos of the “The Hazards”.

The Hazards
The site we were allocated in the Coles Bay van park had fantastic views looking out over Coles Bay. It was great watching the sun set even if it did cloud over.

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